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Numismatic Society of Ireland
Northern Branch
Est. 1963
Exploring Two and a Half Millennia of World and Irish Coinages

NSI-NB Field Trip 13/08/2022
NSI-NB Field Trip 13/08/2022 to the White House and Carrickfergus

Society Field Trips
Society visit to the "Airgead: a Thousand Years of Irish Coins and Currency" exhibition, Collins Barracks, Dublin, August 2018

Society Field Trips
Numismatic Society of Ireland (Northern Branch)

NSI-NB Field Trip 13/08/2022
NSI-NB Field Trip 13/08/2022 to the White House and Carrickfergus
two and a half millennia of
World and Irish coinage
Say "Hi!" to Num-NI!
The Numismatic Society of Ireland (Northern Branch) first met in 1963 as a group of local enthusiasts and scholars to share their interest in the history and art of world coinage. For over 50 years our Society has been promoting the hobby and the study of coins locally and across Ireland and the UK. We meet regularly to exchange news, display recent acquisitions and raise awareness of emerging market trends, discoveries and opportunities. JOIN US to find out for yourself the joy and challenge of coin collecting and studying! Young members with an interest in coins and medals are particularly welcome, and will benefit a lot from our expertise and support!
FREE Coin Identification!
Avail yourself of our immense expertise in coin identification by submitting quality photographs of both sides of your numismatic object, ideally, taken alongside a ruler and on a scale, to get full details on what it is and some useful references. We DO NOT BUY OR SELL COINS through the website, neither do we provide professional grading and evaluation services, but we may be able to get you in touch with a specialist dealer on your subject.

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NSI-NB Public Lecture - 6 April 2024 - Ulster Museum - Belfast
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