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6 September 2019

NSI (NB) Regular Meeting - Dr Alexey Shitvov 'Imperial Russian Coinage - Part 2'

This presentation continues the topic started by Alexey in his previous talk. Previously, a comprehensive review of the coinage reforms from mid. XVII-th c. through 1718 was given, showing how the Russian currencies evolved as an efficient instrument of funding the state developments and affairs. The second part of the series covers the late years of the reign of now the Emperor of All Russia Peter I the Great,the short term of is wife Catherine I and the period of the dynastic rows up until the ascension to the throne of Peter's daughter Elizabeth. The key events of the Russian history of the period will be revisited and the role of the coinage will be unveiled. .  


The meeting starts at 19:30 at Cooke/Instonians RFC, Shaws Bridge Sports Association, 123 Milltown Road, BELFAST, BT8 4XP

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